We are female Riders, hear our engines roar (Safely)

Disclaimer: Don’t worry fellas, we still love you too.


As June draws to a close and we accelerate into July, Scully Scooters can’t help but get excited about the upcoming woman’s month of August. It’s no secret that we are fans of strong, empowered ladies – just take a look at our team. If you’d like to see another organization that we love, head over to https://bikersemporium.co.za/. They are an amazing group created by women, for women and in our opinion they are completely awesome. Click below for their site!

At Scully Scooters, we’ve recently started to celebrate ‘Woman of the Week’. We believe in celebrating ladies who are strong, empowered, entrepreneurial and most importantly; ladies that can inspire and uplift other ladies. It’s not about competition, or ruthless battles to the top of the ladder. In other words, the glass ceiling will shatter when women rise together to shatter it. And if there are men who join us in our cause and celebration of ladies, even better! This is about excitement, potential and a vision for the future of South Africans who can create success and RIDE WITH PRIDE.

And so, without further ado: the guidelines for nominating a woman of the week:


Give us some examples of projects she has started, or the activity, cause or profession she is currently involved in.


How does she show up in the world, every day? Does she strive toward her dreams, goals and ambitions even in times of adversity?


Does she have a vision for a future South Africa where freedom, dignity and equality reigns? Does she have awareness of the struggles faced by fellow South Africans? Does she act with dignity, kindness and accountability?


What does she do and what has she done to act upon her passion for uplifting and empowering South Africa? How has she used her success to give back and empower those who have been marginalized or excluded from the economy?

We call upon the women and men of South Africa and beyond to support our cause by nominating their own candidates to be celebrated as a featured Woman of the Week. You can see how truly awesome it feels to appreciate and admire the strength and potential of these ladies. Let’s work to inspire each other, and be inspired, because that’s what community and upliftment is all about.


Send through your nomination for Woman of the Week to marketing@scullyscooters.co.za. Even though we may not be able to feature every candidate submitted, we promise to respond and engage with anyone and everyone who reaches out with a submission.